Heather on the Mountain

Hello everyone! I realize that it’s been a while. But I’m getting back on the horse and doing this blog thing! Although it’s been a very busy winter, I’m so thankful to have so many wonderful memories stored up. Enough about me though, and a little more about Heather…




Heather is my absolutely sweet-as-pie, home-grown-American, contemporary-dancer-with-a-degree, lovely new friend. She popped up into my life seemingly out of nowhere, though we’d known ABOUT each other for a long while. Like so many of my friends, I met Heather indirectly through Jordan (thank goodness for that boy or I’m pretty sure I’d have no one to take photos of). For a couple of years now, we had heard a bunch about each other and had been meaning to meet, but this is the first time that we spent some much needed quality time together. And boyyyyyy was the wait worth it!





Heather’s got a personality much bigger than her small frame, which is obviously just one thing I love about her. She’s enthusiastic about meaningful trips she’s taken, her hilarious boyfriend Nate, music that she loves to share and above all, the Lord. I’m so happy to have yet another daughter of God always pointing me towards Him. She’s just got such a heart and I know that






This girl is one of the most honest and open young women I know. Her story makes me so excited for her future. So excited to watch her grow and prosper and smile that goofy smile over and over. Heather is brimming with wisdom she’s gathered from experience throughout her years on this earth, and the best part is that she isn’t shy to share it.







So we decided to walk up Mount Royal on the weirdest weather day of the year?? When we met at noon, it was quite mild for a Saturday in February, but as the day went on, we saw sun, cloud, then more cloud.. and then a torrential downpour. We only got caught in the downpour for about 5 minutes, but it managed to soak us to our core before we were able to duck into an adorable little café.



While speed-walking on Sherbrooke, huddled under one umbrella, Heather mentioned how delicious the soup was at Spoon café, on Crescent. It was closer than my suggestion, so we decided to try it out. Two steaming bowls of cauliflower, potato and cheddar soup later, our bellies were full and our hearts were warm – not only from the scrumptious meal. Getting to know Heather is such a treat. I can’t wait for more heart-to-hearts, laughs, road trips (?) and soup this summer (before she heads to California for amazing, God-sized adventures!).

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